Heidi DeGraffenried is the founder of the She Rise Center and a Women’s development expert with more than 25 years experience teaching women to gain self awareness, trust inner guidance and maximize their greatest traits. Her goal is to unlock the best in women to unlock the best in society. She is the author of "The Goddess Code" and host of "The Goddess Code" Podcast. She has been married to her husband Jimmy for 30 years and is the mother of six plus three in law kids and grandma "cookie" to four adorable grandkids. She loves hiking, yoga, travel, art, and attempting Pinterest projects.

She Will Rise Like The Sun

The Vision of She Rise
A woman, like the sun, will rise up naturally, when the heavy weight of negative beliefs are released, and she is free to truly be herself.
We teach women through seven key concepts using
the acronym of GODDESS
G- Girlfriend Rule
Do for yourself what you would do for your best friend
O- Open Connection
Connect to that which is bigger than yourself
D- Deep Trust
Never say yes when your heart says no
D- Darkness and Shadows
The shadows add depth to the whole
E- Empowered and Embodied
Take back your power and be grounded in it
S- Spiritual Sexuality
You are a Creator the art of receiving
S- Signature Success
Define success on your own terms
Using highly specialized tools, experiential coaching, supportive connections, and an engaging community, we help women to unlock their best and stand with unapologetic feminine grace.

Discover the Joy of
Living in The Feminine Way
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